technische universität münchen computer science > net > pahl
> teaching > HLF16 CPS
Internet of Things Smart Space Research Team (IoT-s2o)

Cyber Physical Systems

Workshop at the 4th Heidelberg Lauereate Forum 2016

The workshop features the ACM Turing Award winners Joseph Sifakis (2007) and Vinton Cerf (2004). It was organized by Marc-Oliver Pahl (TUM), Amel Bennaceur (Open University), and Sai Manoj (TU Wien).

The workshop took place at the occasion of the 4th Heidelberg Laureate Forum ( The Heidelberg Laureate forum is an annual forum organized by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung. 200 selected students assemble in Heidelberg to meet and discuss with winners of the ACM Turing Award, the Abel Prize, and the Fields Medal.

On Monday, Sep 19 2016, 30 students participated in the workshop on Cyber Physical Systems. The participants learned about methodologies of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) research, and its relation to the Internet of Things (IoT). The workshop ended with a discussion on challenges and opportunities of CPS. According to the received feedback, the workshop was a full success.

Additional Material
Modelling a Cyber Physical System with Uppaal

In this video I model a simple temperature measuring Cyber Physical System (CPS) with Uppaal.

Uppaal Infusion Pump Simulation

A simulation run of the Uppaal model of the generic infusion pump from here:
The Generic Infusion Pump (GIP)
A workbench for improving safety, security and usability of medical systems

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